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Asian Network of Behavioral Health (ANBH)

In the round table meeting of the BeHealth 2016 Conference held in January 2016, participants agreed to set up the Asian Network for Behavioral Health (ANBH), as an informal group to connect researchers and practitioners interested in developing behavioral health in the Asian region. It is a virtual organization that does not charge membership fee, and only ad hoc activities self-initiated by individual members will be held. The Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health (HKSBH) is honored to take up the secretariat role, with its president serving as the convener of the Network.


The Network aims at:

  1. Facilitating communication and collaboration among its members and hence advancing development of behavioral health in Asia. 

  2. Increasing the pool of interdisciplinary expertise working on behavioral health in Asia by assembling existing workings and recruiting new researchers into this area.

  3. Promoting behavioral health in positive frames.

Who are we?

ANBH currently has 65 members coming from more than 10 countries and regions. More members are joining us, and interested persons can contact our secretariat to enroll in the Network. Members are either working in behavioral health in Asia or are interested to participate in its development. Referrals by our members are most welcome.

Why such a Network?

During the round table meeting, participants shared a common voice that behavioral health is a very important area of research and practice in Asia but that it is relatively new. Interdisciplinary manpower and resources are scattered and unknown to each other. Participants also agreed that interdisciplinary and cross-country networking would be necessary and useful to define the features of behavioral health in Asia and take them to a new height. The formation of the Network is the first step to achieving the goal by providing a hub for cross-country interactions.

What are we going to do?

Information sharing will be the Network’s major function. With members’ input, we will collate lists of organizations, groups, and people that are working on behavioral health research, training, and practice in various Asian countries. Members can share information about their research, conferences, courses, and experiences freely by emailing the group. Brief newsletters will also be sent to members and members can also update their news via the newsletter. It builds up a platform facilitating exchange visits and collaborations in research and training. It will also connect itself with country organizations and international communities of behavioral health (e.g. the International Society of Behavioral Medicine) via electronic media and meetings in international conferences. Occasional consultations and recruitment of consultants could also be made via the Network. Members can also define other activities.

Contact Us

Website last updated in 22 Oct 2024 © Centre for Health Behaviours Research, JC School of Public Health and Primary CareThe Chinese University of Hong Kong

General Enquiries: 2252-8713;  Email: 

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