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Awards Received

Prof. Phoenix MO (Director)

VC’s Exemplary Teaching Awards, CUHK, 2020; Delegates’ Choice Poster Prize, The British Psychological Society, 2019; International Congress of Behavioural Medicine, 2018; Teacher of the Year, CUHK Faculty of Medicine, 2016-2022; The Brown International Advanced Research Institute on Global Health and HIV/AIDS, Brown University, 2012

Prof. Joseph LAU (Founding Director)

Distinguished Scientist Award, 2021; Disease Control and Prevention, 2020; International Collaborations Awards, 2018; Yale in China Scholarship; CUHK-UCB Reciprocity Scholarship; Hewlett Packard Foundation Fellowship; US Population Council Fellowship

Prof. Zixin WANG

Disease Control and Prevention, 2020; International Congress of Behavioural Medicine, 2018; Best research Paper Award, 2017; Early Career Award, International Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2016

Prof. Nelson YEUNG

Teacher of the Year, Public Health and Community Health Practice Undergraduate Program, CUHK Faculty of Medicine, 2022; Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) Citation Abstract Award, 42nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the SBM 2021; Best Oral Presentation Award at the 8th Nursing Symposium on Cancer Care, 2018; Outbound Research Mobility Scheme Award, Internationalization Faculty Mobility Schemes, CUHK, 2017; Early Career Award, International Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2016; American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award, 2014; Presidential/Ehrhardt Fellowships, University of Houston, 2010

Prof. Sherry YANG

Outstanding abstract award by the 3rd Belt and Road Initiative Global Health International Congress & 2019 Global Health Forum of the University Alliance of Silk Road. Xi’an, China. 2019., Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence—CNOOC Grant to visit Oxford University, 2015-2016; APA Student Award for International Research, 2015-2016

Core Members
Past Students

Dr. Huahua Wu (Graduate Year: 2021)

Reaching Out Award 2020/21 (HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Scholarship 2021, 第三届跨学科行为健康会议暨中华预防医学会行为健康分会成立大会海报展示三等奖 2021

Dr. Yanqiu Yu (Graduate Year: 2020)

The CUHK-Karolinska Institutet PhD Student Exchange Programme for 2019-20 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Reaching Out Award 2019/20 (HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund) 

Dr. Meiqi XIN (Graduate Year: 2019)

Outstanding Abstract Award-First Prize (The Third Belt and Road Initiative Global Health International Congress & 2019 Global Health Forum of the University Alliance of the Silk Road), Delegates’ Choice Poster Prize Winner (Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2019, The British Psychological Society)

Dr. Xueying YANG (Graduate Year: 2018)

The College Prize for Poster Presentation at the 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting, Hong Kong College of Community Medicine2015

Dr. Tony Yung (Graduate Year: 2017)

World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) International Fellowship, 2011

Dr. Jinghua LI (Graduate Year: 2015)

Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence—CNOOC Grant to Visit Brown University, 2014); ADK China Education Fund Scholarship, University of Tokyo

Prof. Zixin WANG (Graduate Year: 2013)

Best Thesis Award, JCSPHPC, 2013; Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence—CNOOC Grant to visit Yale University, 2012

Dr. Haochu LI (Graduate Year: 2012)

Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence—CNOOC Grant to visit Brown University, 2011; Post-doctoral Fellow at Wayne State University, 2014

Dr. Chun HAO (Graduate Year: 2011)

Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence—CNOOC Grant to visit Oxford University, 2010; Post-doctoral Fellow at Harvard University, 2012-2013

Dr. Xiaoyou SU (Graduate Year: 2010)

Visiting Scholar University of California, 2016

Dr. Jing GU (Graduate Year: 2008)

Visiting Scholar at Washington University, 2013-2014

Website last updated in 22 Oct 2024 © Centre for Health Behaviours Research, JC School of Public Health and Primary CareThe Chinese University of Hong Kong

General Enquiries: 2252-8713;  Email: 

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