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16-17 January 2016, Hong Kong

The Centre for Health Behaviours Research was a supporting organization for International Behavioral Health Conference BeHealth 2016—Multiplicity in action for better health held 16-17 January 2016 at CUHK JC School of Public Health, Prince of Wales Hospital.


The first International Behavioral Health Conference, BeHealth 2016, was successfully held in Hong Kong from January 16th to January 17th, 2016. Spanning the two days, we were joined by 29 renowned invited speakers, 70 oral presenters, 94 poster presenters, and about 300 participants representing five continents. Support was given by the Japanese Society of Behavioral Medicine and the Chinese Society of Behavioral Medicine, among other professional organizations.


The Conference began with Professor Joseph Lau, President of Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health (HKSBH), and Professor Sophia Chan, Undersecretary of Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR, each emphasizing the importance of behavioral health research and its application in Asian countries.

During the Conference, critical areas of behavioral health, such as non-communicable diseases, mental health, risk behaviors, preventive behaviors, and addiction, were explored with a concentration on interdisciplinary exchange. A pre-conference workshop on “Program Evaluation in the ‘Real World’: Dissemination and Implementation Science” was delivered to field researchers by Prof Brian Oldenburg, Dr Konstadina Griva, and Dr Xuefeng Zhong.  Additional program features such as the roundtable discussion “How to develop behavioral health in Asia” cumulated in concrete advancements in the form of an Informal Network on Behavioral Health in Asia. The Network kicked off with 55 members from 10 countries/regions and aims to continue facilitating collaborations and knowledge exchange in Asia. Following the formation of the Network, members are currently engaging in very productive networking and follow-ups.

Conference pictures can be viewed here.

For more information, please visit the conference website:


Website last updated in 22 Oct 2024 © Centre for Health Behaviours Research, JC School of Public Health and Primary CareThe Chinese University of Hong Kong

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