Health Promotion Projects on Substance Abuse
A 3-phase survey, training, and inter-disciplinary combined on-line/offline, theory-based and evidence-based intervention for prevention of psychoactive substance use among adolescents who are case-work clients of social workers (The My Sunny Way Project)
The proposed project comprises three parts, each with its aims. Phase I includes a theory-based survey to gain understanding of the protective and risk factors of substance use among adolescent case-work clients of social workers of major NGOs in Hong Kong . Phase II includes the design of a combined online/off-line, interdisciplinary, theory-based, and evidence-based intervention based on the theory-based survey results and another focus group to be conducted, and training of social workers. Phase 3 involves an evaluation of the intervention’s efficacy in reducing intention (lifetime) and levels of risk of psychoactive substance use among participants who are social work case-clients, in comparison with a control group that involves distribution of a drug prevention pamphlet and standard practice; the most stringent randomized controlled trial (RCT) study design is being employed.
Funded by Beat Drugs Fund