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Research on Preventive Behaviors

1. Vaccinations: a) Identifying prevalence and behavioral intention of Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV) vaccination and influenza vaccination (IV); b) Using behavioral health theories to develop effective interventions to increase vaccination rates

Recently funded projects have targeted 1) parents of 9-13 year old boys and girls and 2) men who have sex with men (MSM). Our members have published 3 peer-reviewed articles in this area.

CHBR has been commissioned by the Department of Health to conduct numerous population-based studies on influenza vaccination. Funded projects aim to increase IV among 6 month to 5 year old children. More than 10 peer-reviewed papers have been published in this area.

2. Physical activity: a) identifying prevalence and associated factors of physical activity among patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Hong Kong; b) integrating community-based programs to promote physical activity  

Our members have been award four major grants funded by CUHK Knowledge Transfer Fund, Health and Medical Research Fund, and Healthcare and Promotion Fund. The main focus of each project aims to develop an effective intervention to increase physical activity among patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Hong Kong.  Nearly 15 peer-reviewed articles have been published by our members.


3. Diet: a) exploring food avoidance behaviour among cancer patients; b) incorporating Social Marketing to address issues of food avoidance

Food avoidance beliefs may vary from patient, to the general public, to Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors. A pilot study first conducted in 2009 investigated the attitudes and behaviours towards food avoidance among the three populations mentioned above. We’ve since used those findings to develop an effective social marketing campaign aimed at addressing the issues of food avoidance problems among cancer patients.

4. Strength Training: a) to test feasibility and effectiveness of a theory-based and setting-based intervention in increasing participation in ST among Chinese adults aged 60 to 74 in Hong Kong.

Website last updated in 22 Oct 2024 © Centre for Health Behaviours Research, JC School of Public Health and Primary CareThe Chinese University of Hong Kong

General Enquiries: 2252-8713;  Email: 

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